Called, Chosen, Gathered and Sent:
A synodal journey inspired by

An online series Friday evenings:
February 4, 11,18 and 25, 2022
7:00-8:30 p.m. EST
About the Synod
Just over three months ago, Pope Francis launched a worldwide preparation process for the next Synod of Bishops to be held October 2023, calling all faithful to take part in discerning the path forward for the Church.
What does this mean for me? How can I take part?
Is my parish participating?
Local churches have been invited by Pope Francis to create opportunities to engage its faithful in dialogue about faith and our Church – past, present, and future. More than just a consultation process, the synod is an opportunity for us to listen to the Holy Spirit speaking through our people and the world around us, and to be shaped by the Word of God.
“The Chosen”?
See the life of Jesus through the eyes of the people that walked on Earth with him – the disciples, Mary his mother, the Pharisees, the children, those he healed. What would that look like? What difference would it make for your personal journey of faith, your experience of belonging to a church community, your witness and service to the world around you?
Consider being part of the dialogue.
You, your family members, and your parish teams are invited to embark on a four-session synodal journey inspired by
The Chosen, the groundbreaking multi-season film series about the life of Christ, distributed by Angel Studios.
Have a look at the series preview below.
- Four Friday evenings
– Feb. 4
– Feb. 11
– Feb. 18*
*A special invitation to families and their children
– Feb. 25
From 7-8:30 p.m. EST each evening, via the cloud platform, Zoom.
N.B. Before each Friday, viewing of one selected episode of “The Chosen” at your own convenience. Consider planning a film night with family/friends.
WHO is this for?
Open to all.
For those seeking a space dedicated to:
– taking part in a synodal exchange with your parish team, family and/or friends
– listening to God’s call to us, in our personal mission and our communal mission as Church.
– creating opportunities to foster a pastoral conversion as an individual and as community
REGISTER for free
Freewill online donations will be greatly appreciated.

Episode One:
I Have Called You By Name
Feb. 4, 7 p.m. EST
Watch Episode One

Episode Two:
Feb. 11, 7 p.m. EST
Watch Episode Two
A special invitation to families and their children

We’re fully booked!
Registration for this event is now closed. Thank you to everyone who signed up. We look forward to welcoming you.
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If you have any questions or comments related to this event, please write to us at:

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Coordinating office for pastoral affairs regarding the English-speaking Catholics of the Archdiocese of Montreal.
Contact Us
2000 Sherbrooke St. West
Montreal, QC H3H 1G4
514-925-4300 ext. 219