Page 2 - Annual-collection-ANG
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          Allow us to share with you some of the activities that your great generosity has enabled us to
          accomplish in the course of the year.

          THE CHURCH’S PRESENCE IN THE                             CARING FOR ONE ANOTHER
          STREET                                                   The Catholic Church of Montreal initiated a
                                                                   listening and spiritual support help-line at the
                                                                   beginning of the pandemic.  More than 75
                                                                   calls requesting spiritual guidance have been
                                                                   received by volunteers from Pastoral Home Care,
                                                                   SASMAD. This new service also enabled us to
                                                                   provide  assistance  to  people  living  outside  the
                                                                   Catholic Archdiocese of Montreal. In addition to
          Through Notre-Dame-de-la-rue, the Catholic               requests for accompaniment, numerous referrals
          Church  of  Montreal  represents  Jesus  Christ          were made through the help-line on behalf of
          and his message of love among the poor and               individuals desiring to speak with a priest or in
          homeless.                                                need of religious support.
          Throughout this year, 300 homeless persons
          per week have been provided their basic
          necessities. Many much needed services in
          great demand, including listening, spiritual
          encounters, Masses and reconciliations were
          offered on the street. With the Starter Kit (a
          set of dishes, saucepan, kitchen utensils and
          bags of groceries), the Church facilitates the
          reintegration into society of homeless and
          migrant persons.

          Pour plus d’informations : www.diocesemon-                      Anyone who wants to speak with someone
                     or who is seeking solace from the Catholic
          rue                                                             Church of Montreal may call 7 days a week,
                                                                          between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.: 1 888 305-
                                                                     0994. This toll-free service is available in several
            Each year, a Mass is celebrated for the unclaimed
            deceased. On  Wednesday, September 22,                  TESTIMONIAL
            2021, at 2:00 p.m., a Eucharistic celebration
            for the repose  of the souls  of more than 200          “the thing I like about your listening and
            unclaimed deceased persons will be held at the
            shrine of Marie Reine des Cœurs in Montreal.            spiritual support line is that you take the
            Refreshments will follow. For more information,        time to listen to us without any time limit.
            please contact 514 925-4300 ext. 348                        You are very generous” - A client.
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