Page 182 - accompagnement_spirituel_archdiocese_de_montreal
P. 182



                  Somehow through this pandemic, we went through it together! As a humanity, brothers and
                  sisters in humanity; as Christians, brothers and sisters in Christ; as Catholics, members of the
                  Catholic Church, of the Body of Christ. We’ve taken the time to pray, maybe taken the time to say
                  to God our sorrow, taken the time to reach out to others who might be alone or isolated. Taken
                  the time to share in our family, maybe more than usual. Somehow, mysteriously we received a lot
                  during this pandemic! Through difficulties, but we received a lot. A bit like the Apostles and the
                  Disciples of Jesus Christ, they received a lot during the week of the Passion, it was not easy. They
                  received a lot during the Resurrection, there were moment of joy! But at the same time as they
                  were receiving a lot, they were preparing themselves, Jesus Christ was preparing them to proclaim
                  the Good News of Salvation.

                  And so maybe we can be thinking ahead and prepare ourselves for the feast of the Pentecost. So,
                  with a Novena, nine days of prayer starting this coming Friday, nine days of prayer to renew our
                  openness to the Holy Spirit. Because the Holy Spirit is the gift, the supreme gift of the Father and
                  the Son. The Father and the Son give us the Holy Spirit who is life, who is unity, who unites us
                  with Jesus Christ, who unites us between each other through Jesus Christ. Who unites us to the
                  Father through the grace of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit is a spirit of unity, is a spirit of Mission,
                  who gives us the courage, the strength to proclaim the name of Jesus Christ in the public square
                  where we know it is not easy! I call this the last ‘taboo’. On the public square, you cannot name
                  Jesus Christ. You cannot say the name of God. It’s the last taboo.

                  We learn. Maybe we need courage. The courage to say the name of God, to say the name of Jesus
                  Christ. Not only in our personal life, in our own community, but also in the public square. And
                  this doesn’t come alone.

                  The Apostles as they were, the consequences of the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. They
                  met Jesus Christ personally as a group of disciples, but they were afraid, they were hiding in their
                  homes. And Jesus Christ invited them to pray, waiting for the gift of the Holy Spirit. And Mary
                  was with them, praying for the gift of the Holy Spirit.

                  And so, that’s what we can do! We can take the time, more consciously, more intentionally, to pray
                  for the gift of the Holy Spirit, to pray for the renewal of the gift of the Holy Spirit with a Novena,
                  with Mary. Pray with Mary to be more open to the gift of the Holy Spirit. A spirit of mission that
                  will bring us to be more forthright in naming Jesus Christ! More forthright in keeping the doors of
                  our churches open all day long! Not only for the times of celebrations, which are very important!
                  But it is not enough. It is not enough. We need to learn to be open all day long. All year long.


                 Recueil de textes de Mgr Lépine du temps de confinement                                       182
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