Page 133 - spiritual_accompaniment_montreal_archdiocese
P. 133


                  It is a battle for humanity itself. Regardless of our differences, cultures, nationalities, beliefs,
                  may we rediscover that we are all brothers and sisters in humanity, that we all share the same

                  And given the sense that we are being tested in battle, it is also a test of our humanity. It
                  presents an opportunity for humanity. The test is an opportunity; the test is also a double-
                  edged sword. It can lead us to withdraw into ourselves, to try to find a way out, for ourselves
                  perhaps; or it can lead us to open up to others and not to go it alone. “I” will come out of this.
                  But in trying to come out of it, to overcome it, it must be “we” who will come out of it. We’re
                  going to get through this together. We might be facing a local battle, but it is also a global
                  one. We are going to get through it. We are going to support each other. And we’re going to
                  share our resources; we’re going to help one another. We’re going to pray, all of us together,
                  no matter what our perspectives. We’re going to reflect; we’re going to take time to enjoy si-
                  lence; we’re going to encounter ourselves at a deeper level.

                  Let us take this day to trust in God’s Mercy and to rely on Him. Our life revolves between
                  God’s Mercy and God’s Providence. Our Merciful God fills us with his mercy, and at the same
                  time, He remains ever-present. He is there to support us, to give us his life, to give us life, and
                  to guide us along the path of life. He inspires within our hearts a resurgence of confidence,
                  generosity, selflessness and humility.

                  We live in a time when the powers of this world and our own powers, our own abilities, are
                  learning just how limited these powers really are. The scientific, financial and political
                  sectors are all feeling the effects of these limitations and constraints. We are discovering
                  the constraints on family life when we can no longer be as physically supportive as before,
                  when we can no longer physically accompany a family member facing the end of life. We’re
                  discovering our own limitations. The trials engendered by these limitations can be very
                  discouraging. But it can also be a time of growth, a time when, by opening ourselves to God,
                  we rediscover just how fully God is present, how He remains present at the door of our heart,
                  and how we can offer absolutely everything to Him: every trial, every tribulation, including
                  this COVID-19 crisis, and this sorrow in which we find ourselves. So let us take time
                  to reflect upon and entrust to God our situation, the whole of humanity, our families, those
                  struck by COVID-19, those in need of surgery and whose operations have been postponed,
                  and also those dying from causes other than COVID-19.

                  Let us entrust all humanity to God, to Merciful Jesus. Holy God! Holy Mighty One! Holy
                  Immortal One! Have mercy on us and on the whole world.


                 Collection of texts by the Most Rev. Christian Lépine                                         133
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