Page 192 - spiritual_accompaniment_montreal_archdiocese
P. 192


                  Living in the presence of the Resurrected now asks us to open up to his grace: Do we really
                  want to live through Jesus Christ? Do we thirst for Jesus Christ? Do we want to live by the
                  presence of Jesus Christ in us? Are we prepared to make the effort to pray more? Are we
                  prepared for the effort to open Sacred Scripture and read and meditate on the Word of God?
                  When our church doors are open again, are we prepared to make the effort to go to Mass? Let
                  us be ready! Are we ready, today, to make the effort to go to Mass?

                  During the pandemic, we have been deprived of the Eucharist. The people of God, all across
                  the world, in a stunning and mysterious way, have been deprived of the Eucharist. It forced
                  us to engage in other ways of praying, some that we may already have known, but also finding
                  new ones, either in our personal or in our family life.

                  For example, we may already have been familiar with the Word of God, but now we might be
                  praying with it more. Perhaps we have become more confident and aware that our family is
                  a small domestic church, a house of prayer, a house of communion where different people
                  come together, as a family, to be of service in society and in the Church.

                  Parishes looked for ways to be more present in the media, in various ways. Mass continued to
                  be celebrated on television or online, to let the faithful be present even if in a different way.
                  At the same time, we know that virtual presence cannot replace real presence or physical
                  gatherings of the faithful.

                  Virtual meetings cannot replace life in community! But we cannot deny that this experience
                  widened our horizons. By discovering new ways to be church, our prayer lives have deepened.

                  In a mysterious way, by knowing that the virtual presence at Mass cannot replace our physical
                  presence, this absence of physical presence allowed our thirst for the Eucharist to grow.
                  Perhaps we used to take the Eucharist for granted as something that was available to us every
                  day, every week, without us being fully aware of it.

                  Quite often, we take things for granted. But here, we could no longer take it for granted.

                  For many of the faithful, the physical absence from the Eucharist is a real test! But we could
                  transform this into something greater, as it lets our thirst for Eucharist grow, our hunger for
                  the Eucharist grow. In this way, we are transformed if our awareness of the presence of Jesus
                  Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of his body and his blood has grown! It will be to the good,
                  if our faith in the Eucharist has grown, if our life became more eucharistic! It was a test to be
                  deprived of the Eucharist, but good will come of it, if it increased our thirst, if it grew our
                  desire to live life according to the call of Jesus Christ, the call to be true disciples who walk
                  with Jesus Christ, faithful to God’s commandments and the beatitudes.


                 Collection of texts by the Most Rev. Christian Lépine                                         192
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