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P. 200


                  His words offer another way to pray. When you feel lonely, really lonely, and are overwhelmed
                  by loneliness, say to Jesus: “Jesus, why have you forsaken me?” But as you tell Him that, know
                  deep down that He has not abandoned you! We know He listens to us. We know He hears us.
                  We know He is here. “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” And what were the last
                  words Jesus uttered on the cross: “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.” Jesus knows
                  the Father is there. So, “Jesus, why have you forsaken me?” and “Into your hands I commend
                  my spirit.” Into your hands I commend my heart. I commend my body. Carry me. Strengthen
                  me. Guide me. Console me.

                  In the darkness of our loneliness, Jesus speaks to our hearts, saying: “Do not fear. Do not fear;
                  I am with you always!” And He does not stop there, which is amazing! He goes a lot further,
                  telling us: “No one can snatch [you] out of the hands of the Father.” And “Through my grace,
                  I place you firmly in the Father’s hands.” Nobody, no power on Earth, no power in hell, no
                  power of darkness, no one can snatch you out of the Father’s hands. Those in the Father’s
                  hands, those whom I place in the Father’s hands, the moment you are in the Father’s hands,
                  nothing can snatch you away. No matter what happens or the struggles you go through, no
                  matter the illness, the failure, or how lonely you feel, nothing can snatch you out of the hands
                  of the Eternal Father. Nothing! “Do not fear. I am with you always. Nothing can snatch you
                  out of the hands of the Father.”

                  Now we can understand what He said as we stand in darkness, looking back at what we have
                  experienced or are currently going through. So, can we remain silent when we hear these
                  words —“Do not fear; I am with you always; You are in the hands of the Father, and nothing,
                  no one and no power in the world, or in hell, can snatch you out of the hands of the Father;
                  there isn’t any power that can snatch you out of the Father’s hands” — and when we experi-
                  ence the peace and strength that faith in Jesus Christ offers? Can we keep that treasure or
                  secret to ourselves and tell no one?

                  We now understand what Jesus meant when He said: “What I say to you in the dark, what I say
                  to you when you are in the dark, do not fear; I am with you always; do not fear, for you are in
                  the Father’s hands.” Speak of it in the light. Shout it from the rooftops. Proclaim it publicly.
                  That is your mission. I give you a mission when I say to you what Jesus said: “Do not fear, for
                  I am with you always, do not fear, for nothing can snatch you out of the hands of the Father!”

                  Your mission is to proclaim throughout the Earth that Jesus Christ is with us and that He
                  has the power to place us firmly in the hands of the Father, and nothing can snatch us out of
                  the Father’s hands. Do not keep this treasure for yourself! Share it everywhere throughout
                  the Earth! It becomes a duty! It becomes a mission! It becomes an assignment! It becomes
                  absolutely necessary. For our hearts, it is a necessity. Our hearts need to share this richness
                  in a profusion of joy!


                 Collection of texts by the Most Rev. Christian Lépine                                         200
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