Page 206 - spiritual_accompaniment_montreal_archdiocese
P. 206


                  This increased awareness of the true fundamental value of the family is important for every-
                  one as a member of a family, for parents and for children. It is also important to society, and
                  for the Church to know how to advocate for and minister to families. Do we know how to help
                  foster family life and be of service to families? It is not always evident. Sometimes, we want
                  to help or serve as a member of a family, and make family life a priority in our lives, but again,
                  amid busy family life, it is not always easy. The family is very important, indispensable, and
                  essential. A weakened family leads to a weakened society and to a weakened Church. A strong
                  family unit however, helps create a stronger society and build a stronger Church.

                  Many continue to express a serious issue affecting family life: “We are still on 24/7. We have
                  teenagers who work on weekends. In order to gather together at mealtimes, we have to book
                  it with a month’s advanced notice.” Many have considered having Sunday become a common
                  day of rest for everyone, allowing families to get together. It can be tiring being away so much
                  from our families. Being together can be a great form of rest. So why not, then, put this
                  request into action? Currently, there is a petition being presented to the National Assembly,
                  advocating for Sunday as a designated common day of rest. I invite you to give your support
                  and sign the petition online.

                  There may also be other issues that persist during the pandemic. Yet, in addition to the dignity
                  of a person and the value of the family, above all, there is God. Among these three, God, in his
                  miraculous ways, remains the one consistent presence that connects everyone on the entire
                  planet.  Interpersonal relationships, physical distancing, hindered communications, homes
                  for the elderly, for healthcare, all these have become difficult, staying connected has become
                  difficult. The only one who has the power to remain ever- present, to come close to us, is God
                  himself. We cannot fathom the immense work it entails: all the time, all the love, all the care
                  that God has given to all of humanity, to each and every one of us and to our families, to stir
                  within us and coming knocking at the door of our hearts.

                  So the question really becomes: do I want to open the door of my heart to God? Do I want to
                  make room for God?  Several people have testified that if it were not for the pandemic, they
                  would not have rediscovered prayer; be it personal prayer, family prayer, rediscovering
                  prayer life and learning to give time to prayer again. Sometimes prayer can start off like a cry.
                  It can start poorly but once you say “Lord, help me!”, that can become our prayer for the day!
                  Saying “Lord, help me!” is a form of prayer that the Lord always hears.


                 Collection of texts by the Most Rev. Christian Lépine                                         206
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