Page 226 - spiritual_accompaniment_montreal_archdiocese
P. 226


                  Then there is the whole matter of considering all that concerns leading a moral life, an ethical
                  life and the whole question of Christian values. Most often, we are not quite ready to live a
                  life of sharing, to answer a call to solidarity, a call to faithfulness, a call to Adoration, a call to
                  prayer, a call to keep the Lord’s Day and live it as the Lord’s Day. These are some of the many
                  things we may not want to hear. We may rather prefer to not hear them.

                  When Jesus speaks of fear in the Gospel, this is precisely the fear he speaks about: the fear
                  of conversion. “I do not want to hear, I do not want to see, because I fear it will bring me to
                  conversion or to live a conversion I prefer not to live.” Maybe I do not want to confront them
                  because I am not ready to do this now. So, we put limits on things. It is for that reason that one
                  does not want to hear the call from God to conversion.

                  On the other hand, it could be that if we have compartmentalized our life, and there are
                  certain areas in our life where we are ready to hear the call of God. For example, we are ready
                  to hear the call to help the poor. But then there are other areas where we would rather prefer
                  not to hear God’s call.

                  So what is my real fear, deep-down inside of me? What is my fear of the Word of God?  Do I
                  have trust in God? Do I have trust in his Word?

                  When we say, “I believe in God,” believing in God does not just mean we believe that God
                  exists, even if this already is a lot! But believing in God means we have trust in God, it means
                  that I am ready to put my life in his hands. I belong to God with all my heart. I open my heart to
                  him and I give every part of my existence to him, I leave all my projects in his hands. I believe
                  in God, I give myself to God.

                  In this way, we can also consider the question of why we are afraid of death! What are my fears
                  related to death, what are my fears related to illness? We tend to run away from illness and
                  death, just as we want to run away from pain and suffering. We are afraid of suffering!

                  What is God’s call in my life? What is God’s call when we are sick?  What is God’s call when
                  we are confronted with death? Even in death, there is a call from God because God is present.
                  God is present, God accompanies us, God speaks to us, God prepares us, God makes us
                  capable to confront, God fortifies us, God pacifies us.

                  At the heart of today’s Gospel is Jesus’ speaking of those who do not hear because they do
                  not want to hear, those who do not see because they do not want to see, because they fear


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