Page 237 - spiritual_accompaniment_montreal_archdiocese
P. 237


                   OPEN DOORS

                         Government authorities at various levels have now asked us to introduce more
                   restrictions, such as preventing gatherings entirely because they bring people together,
                   which increases the risk of contagion; something we want to avoid as much as possible.

                         This is why the measures that I applied to Sunday now apply to the entire week.
                   Along with the bishops of Quebec, I ask that all weekday public masses be cancelled in
                   church, as well as all pastoral or liturgical gatherings, until further notice.

                         That being said, I also ask that church doors be kept open for as long as possible each
                   day to welcome people, that exposition of the Blessed Sacrament be arranged to facilitate
                   personal prayer, that personal accompaniment and the Sacrament of Reconciliation be
                   available, while respecting the social-distancing requirement of keeping one-metre apart.

                         It is an uncomfortable measure but, at the same time, it expresses social solidarity
                   in the fight to contain the virus. How can we ensure that this period – which can be likened
                   to Holy Saturday and the Silence of God – becomes a time to seek God in the depths of our
                   heart, soul and spirit? How can we take advantage of this time to learn to listen more to
                   others, learning about their burdens, loneliness and thirst for God?  How can we take ad-
                   vantage of this time to draw closer to God? Why not begin to pray every day, at home
                   as in church, and to honour Sunday, the Lord’s Day, more fully?


                  Collection of texts by the Most Rev. Christian Lépine                                        237
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