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                                 Thought for the Day # 25 – Thursday April 9, 2020

                                                  “The Essentials of Life”

                         Dear Brothers and Sisters,

                                What is essential for you? What are the essentials of life? Perhaps we
                         could all take advantage of this pandemic to review our life, re-examine our
                         existence, ask ourselves: what do I count on in my life? What is there that is
                         most solid in my life? What are the priorities in my life? What do I see as indis-
                         pensable in my life?
                                This is a reflection that we can do on our own but also one that we
                         can have with others! By telephone, through social media, or just within your
                         family in confinement, together in your couple, or between parents and
                         children. Discuss what is vital, what is essential in your own experience,
                         but also what is really your perception of the essentials, what are truly the
                         essentials of life.

                                Jesus Christ reveals that we are not made just for life in this world. Life
                         in this world is important! By the way, that’s why He comes into this world, as
                         He wants to love us. At the same time, we are in this life with an openness in
                         our heart for eternal life. Essential to the Christian faith is the development of
                         an affectionate relationship with Jesus Christ.

                                This Holy Thursday is a time to be able to say to Jesus Christ, “Lord
                         Jesus, I may have all the nourishment, the food that exists, if I don’t have you,
                         if you’re not in my life, if you’re not at the centre of my life, if you’re not the
                         foundation of my life, I have nothing.”

                         Jesus Christ, you are essential to me!

                 Collection of texts by the Most Rev. Christian Lépine                                         36
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