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                                   Thought for the Day # 49 - Sunday, May 3, 2020

                                               “Do You Know Your Family?”

                            Dear Brothers and Sisters,
                            During these times, what are you discovering about your family? I’d like to
                         share with you some of the feedback I have received.
                            One has said, “Since we have been living together during the pandemic,
                         I have realized that we did not live together before.” Let us reflect on that.
                         Others have said: “Since we have been living together during the pandemic,
                         without being able to leave each other, and since we have been eating together,
                         without being hurried and having the time to converse with each other, there
                         are things that I am discovering about my wife, about my husband, and about
                         my children. We now know each other better.”
                            When reviewing your experience, what have you discovered about your
                         family? How well do you know your family?
                            Looking ahead, to when we are out of the pandemic and in a new ‘normal’,
                         what do you want to keep in your family life that you have been able to live,
                         experience, and verify during the pandemic? What would you like to keep in
                         the future, in a new normal?

                 Collection of texts by the Most Rev. Christian Lépine                                         60
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