Page 111 - spiritual_accompaniment_montreal_archdiocese
P. 111


                  communication that offers good company. At one time, only radio existed but it brought the
                  whole community together. Television is another way to experience community solidarity.
                  There are numerous other ways to connect socially. Through these means, we are reminded
                  that we are thinking of one another, that we are praying for one another. Let us not forget one

                  This Sunday, at noon, the church bells will ring for 10 minutes all across Quebec in order to
                  send a message of hope! This message of hope is aimed at the heart, since suffering possess-
                  es power to damage the heart. It is somewhat like the scientific laws regarding the expan-
                  sion of a gas. We learned in school that gas couldn’t be confined in only one side of the
                  room. Wherever gas exists, it spreads throughout the whole room. When suffering invades
                  our heart, it cannot be contained in only one side of one ventricle, no matter how hard we try
                  to do so. Suffering spreads and tends to overwhelm the heart. For that reason, solidarity is
                  so important. Let people know that they are not alone in their suffering. So if we grow in
                  solidarity, if we find new ways to be united, we can say later that it was a struggle, there was
                  suffering, but we grew stronger together. When this happens, then goodness will rise out of
                  crisis, from this pandemic, from this menace that now weighs so heavily on all of humanity.

                  Jesus Christ himself invites us to be united in solidarity by the mere fact that He himself
                  became one of us, in solidarity with each of us. We should never forget Jesus’ powerful words
                  when seeking ways to meet Jesus. Yes, we meet Him in prayer! Yes, we meet Him through
                  the Bible! Yes, we meet Him through the sacraments, the Eucharist. But then, there is also
                  the person who is suffering. This is a way to meet Jesus! This road leads to an encounter with

                  “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine,
                  you did for me.” Each time that we lend a hand to someone who suffers deeply, we lend a hand
                  to Jesus. Each time that we engage in a conversation with someone who is suffering, we con-
                  verse with Jesus.

                  If you are longing for Jesus, suffering because there is no public celebration of Mass, if you
                  long for his physical presence, if you long to receive Communion, beyond the spiritual com-
                  munion always open to believers, then remember that when we are in a communion with
                  someone who suffers, then we meet Jesus.

                  Therefore, during these difficult days, we are learning to form stronger bonds between us, so
                  that solidarity will grow between us and that all of us will grow in solidarity.


                 Collection of texts by the Most Rev. Christian Lépine                                         111
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