Page 116 - spiritual_accompaniment_montreal_archdiocese
P. 116


                  In the mission of the Lord, the mission has become a person: Jesus Christ, and it is Jesus
                  Christ himself who gives us his Holy Spirit.

                  Therefore, the mission is not on pause! It is always at work, always in motion. How can we,
                  in this time, how can we be here and now on a mission? It is because here and now, the Holy
                  Spirit is with us.

                  Therefore, I invite you to pray daily while thinking of the Lord’s call. What is the Lord’s will?
                  What is his call? Come together in your pastoral teams. Pray together as a family.

                  Often, prayer is personal, and we pray individually. Indeed, such personal prayer always
                  remains important. But at the same time, we have to learn how to pray together: in our
                  parishes, our missions, in our religious organizations, in our communities, or with our family.

                  We need to learn to pray together. We need to learn to take the time to pray together. At the
                  same time, we need to discover that we are all on a mission and that we are on a mission

                  Perhaps we can take advantage of the lockdown time forced upon us to reflect on the fact that
                  it is not just the individual who is on a mission.

                  It is the people of God who are on a mission. The whole Church, as the body of Christ, animated
                  by the Holy Spirit, is in mission. Perhaps we can take advantage of this time to enter more
                  fully into the sense of mission.

                  It can seem like a paradox but perhaps, when we were the most paralyzed, we finally discover
                  better our sense of mission. This is not just for a moment, there is no magic solution, it does
                  not happen in an instant.

                  It is a journey, it is a process. However, if we embark on this road together, under the guidance
                  of God, being in mission as the Spirit of the Lord is with the people of God, then the Church
                  is the temple of the Holy Spirit.


                 Collection of texts by the Most Rev. Christian Lépine                                         116
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