Page 117 - spiritual_accompaniment_montreal_archdiocese
P. 117


                                 As apparently, we are frozen in time,                              

                               not moving, maybe it can be the time to
                         renew our sense of mission, and renew the sense
                                 that we are all together on a mission.


                  We may be frozen in time, but the mission is not frozen. Jesus Christ is always at work, the Holy
                  Spirit is always moving to inspire the souls, our souls, our spirit is always at work. And so, we are
                  called to pray every day, which is already to be on a mission. But to pray every day to ask the Lord,
                  not only for us as individuals, to be on the mission, to follow the will of God, to be an instrument
                  of his peace and of his love. But also, we are called to learn to do it together. And as apparently,
                  we are frozen, really frozen, not moving, maybe it can be the time to renew our sense of mission,
                  and renew the sense, not only a personal mission, but we are all together on a mission because the
                  spirit of the Lord is upon us.

                  Therefore, pray with confidence that the Lord keeps us in mission. The mission is great and
                  remains great. There are people who are suffering, who are in pain, people who are looking for
                  the purpose of life, who live in solitude, and who are worried.

                  But we can support each other and testify that Jesus Christ is present to each human soul, to
                  each person. No matter what their personal, family, or social situation is, Jesus Christ never
                  ceases to give his life for each and everyone of us.


                 Collection of texts by the Most Rev. Christian Lépine                                         117
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