Page 141 - spiritual_accompaniment_montreal_archdiocese
P. 141


                  If there are people who have leprosy, there is someone who will go to them to be close to them,
                  even accepting the risk of falling ill to leprosy themselves.

                  In the times of the plague, there were people who helped, who took care of the sick, even if it
                  meant suffering from the plague themselves.
                  We see this throughout the history of the Church. Together with Jesus Christ, crucified and
                  resurrected, men and women have given themselves to service to be close to the most desti-
                  tute, the poorest, the most suffering.

                  Theirs is not the obvious response! Reaching out to others is not the obvious response to iso-
                  lation, confinement, and physical distancing. It is not obvious that we have to take care of
                  everyone, and it is not easy to reach out to everyone.

                  The Church might like to serve better in this time, but it is not always possible. She would like
                  to be closest to the poorest, the most destitute, but this is not always possible. This makes
                  this feast day on May 1 a special opportunity to turn to Mary and to Joseph.

                  We turn to Mary as the Mother of the Church so that she can provide for us, her children, and
                  for all humankind. We ask her to take care of all humanity because we recognize, especially
                  now, that circumstances make it difficult for members of the Church, all of us here, to take
                  care of each other.

                  On this feast day of May 1, we also turn to St. Joseph in prayer, asking him to protect those
                  whom we can no longer protect, as the limitations resulting from the confinement prevent
                  us from helping them adequately.

                  In an acute crisis, what may be most difficult is experiencing a sense of loss of power. We
                  would like to do something for those near to us, but circumstances stand in the way. We
                  experience how much we are limited in coming to the help of people around us.

                  Let us remember that God has the power to reach everyone, no matter the depth of their
                  despair. God has the power to touch every heart, no matter the anguish the heart is experi-
                  encing. Praying to Mary, praying to Joseph, joining ourselves to them in prayer becomes a
                  privileged moment to place everyone under their protection and care.

                  During this Mass, for the first time, I will recite a prayer to ask for the protection of Joseph
                  for us in a special prayer. And in the course of the celebration, I will consecrate us to Mary, the
                  Mother of the Church.


                 Collection of texts by the Most Rev. Christian Lépine                                         141
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