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                                            14. Homily - Friday, May 1, 2020

                                        Mass for vocations (bilingual homily) (Jn 6, 52-59)

                                              How can we find the will of God?

                  Are you looking for the will of God? How would one even do this? How can we find the will of
                  God in the experience of daily life, when we look for orientation in our lives?

                  In several places, the Bible reminds us that God has a plan for humanity. It is God’s plan of
                  love for humanity. God has a plan for creation. The salvation of humanity is also part of God’s

                  We are all called to participate in this divine plan, both in the plan for creation and in the plan
                  for salvation. In some regards, we participate all in the same way, but in others, we have a
                  unique calling. Each person is unique!

                  One of the first things that we read in the Bible, almost at the beginning of the Book of
                  Genesis, is that all of us are created in the image of God. What a beautiful reality! What
                  an inexpressible reality! What an astonishing reality that the Bible, for several thousand of
                  years, tells us that the human being is created in the image of God.
                  What we see is the world around us. What we see are rocks, mountains, trees, animals, birds,
                  and fishes.

                  Among all these, the human being is one being among many others in the world. But the
                  Bible tells us that even as we share the world with all the other creatures, the human being is
                  also more than all of these by being created in the image of God. This is a truly revolutionary
                  change in the way we look at the world!

                  When I look at my neighbor, do I see someone who is created in the image of God? When I
                  look at my deepest self, the foundation of my soul, spirit, heart, and body, do I see myself as
                  created in the image of God? Do I recognize the dignity of the other, no matter who? No
                  matter who they are! Do I recognize my own dignity as God’s creation?

                  Not just any of God’s creatures but created in the image of God! What a great gift! What a
                  wonderful gift! What gift, what kind of gift! A gift not only for a little while, a few years, maybe
                  even a few decades.


                 Collection of texts by the Most Rev. Christian Lépine                                         144
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