Page 147 - spiritual_accompaniment_montreal_archdiocese
P. 147


                  In such moments of confusion as we experience right now, let us remember that the answer
                  to the question of the meaning of our lives is always found in being the image of God, being
                  visible signs of God’s love. And the path on which we are called to walk is the path of
                  self-giving gift. Jesus Christ comes to us, to call us to give ourselves, thus giving meaning to
                  our lives.


                  When we are looking for our vocation, what are we looking for? We are looking for how we
                  will accomplish in our life our vocation to love. Our vocation to love is the basic foundation
                  for everyone, for every human being.

                  To be a human being created in the image of God is to have a vocation to love. We are called
                  to love that is self-giving, love that through self-giving reaches the communion of persons. A
                  love that through self-giving and communion of persons reveals truth in this world and the
                  eternal life.

                  So this vocation to love becomes a question for reflection on what is my vocation! On what
                  path of self-giving am I called to walk? What is my path of self-giving, of communion, of fruit-
                  fulness? God has a plan for each one of you! God has a plan personally for you! God calls you
                  personally on a path of self-giving, a path of communion of persons and fruitfulness.

                  A vocation to marriage is a vocation to love. A vocation to celibate life in the world and to
                  serve, this is also a vocation to love. Vocation to work is a vocation to love! Work is service,
                  service for the common good, service for the good of society. Service is work to create a better
                  world! Thus, to work is to be called to serve, and therefore it is a vocation to love.

                  Consecrated life is when one is called to give personally to answer to the love of God through
                  an exclusive gift of oneself to Jesus Christ; it is a vocation to love! Priesthood as a giving of
                  oneself to Jesus Christ is to serve Christ in His Church: this, too, is a vocation to love and to


                 Collection of texts by the Most Rev. Christian Lépine                                         147
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