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                                          20. Homily - Sunday, May 24, 2020

                                Solemnity of the Ascension – Year A (bilingual homily) Mt 28, 16-20

                                 Let us take the time to contemplate Jesus Christ in heaven.

                  During this pandemic through which we went together, while deconfinement now begins
                  at different paces in different regions, we lived through special moments when our feelings
                  went through various stages. It may have been moments of concern, of reflection, of work,
                  and even of discouragement.

                  Have you had moments when you just stopped to think and contemplate? Moments when
                  you contemplated beauty and that which is beautiful—perhaps a loved one, or a family
                  album? Or, while on a walk (mindful of physical distancing of course), have you pondered the
                  beauty of the sky, of the landscape, of nature’s natural beauty? Did you take the time for

                  Contemplating is also breathing! It is exhaling in the right way, while also being attentive to
                  inhaling! Contemplation is a time for inspiration, through which we open ourselves to beauty.
                  Beauty is very much present in the world, and we can contemplate beauty in the world.

                  On this Ascension Sunday, I invite you to take the time to contemplate the beauty of Jesus
                  Christ. The beauty of Jesus Christ, the Son of God made man, truly God, truly man, crucified
                  and resurrected.

                  After Easter, after the resurrection, Jesus Christ appeared to his disciples over 40 days until
                  he finally ascended into heaven. There is a special beauty in the mystery of the Ascension.

                  The Son of God is eternal! He lives in all eternity with the Father and the Holy Spirit. But
                  since he became incarnate in the world, he fully assumed our human nature, but not only for
                  a limited time! He spent a limited time with us in his life on earth, the time to speak to us, to
                  speak to us of the eternal life, the time to love us and to give his life for us, before returning to
                  heaven to be with the Father.

                  Then, he returned to the Father, but taking with him our humanity that he had assumed while
                  he was on earth, he took it with him to heaven! He took it with him to heaven, because he was
                  not only resurrected, but he is alive in his body and his soul, alive as a divine person who has
                  forever assumed our humanity and who exists body and soul for all eternity. Jesus is alive
                  with a human heart, with a human body, but his body is also glorified, transfigured, and resur-


                 Collection of texts by the Most Rev. Christian Lépine                                         169
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