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                                         21. Homily - Saturday, May 30, 2020

                              Pentecost Sunday At the Vigil Mass – Year A (bilingual homily) Jn 7, 37-39

                                              Recognizing the Primacy of God

                  Jesus stood up and cried out!

                  Jesus actually stood up and cried out, he cried out a message delivered in a powerful voice, a
                  message that was important to give to us, a message for all humanity. When Jesus stands up
                  and cries out, he speaks with strength. He addresses all humanity, each human being, every-
                  where and at all times.

                  What is his message? What is he saying to all humanity? “Let anyone who is thirsty come to
                  me, and to those who come to me I will give rivers of living water.” Not a trickle of water! Not
                  a creek, but rivers of living water. And Jesus adds: “I will give you the Holy Spirit.”

                  What are your desires? What do you long for in life? What are your needs? What are the
                  desires of your heart? What are the longings of your soul? What do you yearn for? Do you
                  yearn for something? What are you yearning for?

                  What do you thirst for? How do you thirst for God? We can speak of desires with a lower case
                  “d.” Or of needs with a lower case “n.” Some people aspire with a lower case “a!”

                  But the question here is about a great desire, a desire with an upper case “D.” The great desire
                  that goes through our entire being. The great thirst that we experience not only in our soul
                  but in our flesh, that we know in body and soul. In this sense, what is your thirst? Which thirst
                  needs quenching? What is your thirst?

                  We have lived with the pandemic for over two months, and it feels as if time has come to a
                  standstill. Perhaps, we have discovered that we had been taking many things for granted,
                  such as going to Mass, celebrating the Eucharist, or receiving Holy Communion.

                  There are so many other things that we have taken for granted, such as our employment or
                  our health. Today, we find ourselves at a crossroads and an opportunity to look at our life and
                  ask, what do we thirst for? What are our priorities? What is most important in our life?


                 Collection of texts by the Most Rev. Christian Lépine                                         173
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