Page 177 - spiritual_accompaniment_montreal_archdiocese
P. 177


                  told them that they could not go out on mission unless they received the Holy Spirit because
                  they would not have been able to accomplish their mission. It is that way, we might dream of
                  it and perhaps want to swing into action right away, but we need to wait on the Holy Spirit.
                  Otherwise, it would be impossible to fully witness to God’s life and love, or to bear witness
                  to the Son of God, Jesus Christ.

                  Just like the apostles, we remain with Mary in prayer, waiting for the gift of the Holy Spirit
                  that will transform our lives. This vigil today is a time of waiting. Tomorrow will be the time
                  to receive the gift. We need to be aware, however, that we cannot receive the gift of the Holy
                  Spirit and not be transformed by it. We are indeed transformed by the Holy Spirit. This trans-
                  formation will lead to another thirst. This is the thirst of loving, the thirst of giving ourselves
                  over totally, freely, once and for all in a continual offering of ourselves. It is one thing to have
                  a thirst to be loved, but somehow, when we receive the gift of love in life, from the Holy Spirit,
                  we also receive the thirst to love. It is the thirst to respond to the love of God, by loving God
                  and others.

                  Since we are at the Vigil for Pentecost, we can pray together that in receiving the gift of the
                  Holy Spirit at Pentecost, our heart will be renewed and we will have a new impetus, a new
                  freedom, a new strength, a new peace to witness to Jesus Christ in the world. That is because,
                  through the Church, through the people of God, through each baptized person, each mis-
                  sionary-disciple, Jesus Christ, through all of us, wants to cry out to the world; “Those who
                  thirst, come to me. I will give you rivers of living water.”

                  We have a choice in how we view this pandemic. We can focus on waiting for it to end, waiting
                  for “normal” to return or for a “new normal” to emerge, or we can see it as a time to reflect
                  on our own frailties, our own priorities and the meaning of our lives. We are being offered a
                  unique opportunity to grow as we live through it. We can become better persons, better
                  families, a better Church, a better society.

                  Think about how the pandemic has shaken things up. The powerful of this world have been
                  somehow shaken by this pandemic. What remains when all is not destroyed but shaken? What
                  is left? The person with their dignity, every human being on the face of the earth, the family as
                  a nucleus of society and as a nucleus of the Church, and God. Through this pandemic, the only
                  one able to reach out and touch everyone on the face of the earth is God. Nobody else can do
                  that. The only one with the power to comfort, sustain, nourish, lighten burdens, and console
                  every human being on the earth, is God. Nobody else can do that. No power of this world can
                  do that.



                 Collection of texts by the Most Rev. Christian Lépine                                         177
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