Page 176 - spiritual_accompaniment_montreal_archdiocese
P. 176


                  During this pandemic, news concerning the danger of catching COVID-19, the risks linked
                  to this virus, and the confinement and deconfinement are foremost on our minds.  Know,
                  however, that deep in our soul, God is at work. God is preparing us to receive the gift of the
                  Holy Spirit. We cannot receive Him on our own, like other things.

                  God himself prepares us to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, just as Jesus prepared his
                  apostles to receive the Holy Spirit. His public life, his passion, his death on the Cross, his
                  resurrection, his appearing to his apostles and disciples, all of this was to prepare them to
                  receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

                  In a mysterious way, the pandemic arrived during Lent! As we are experiencing its effects,
                  we are called to convert, to come closer to Jesus Christ, to pray more, to do acts of mercy, to
                  fast. During the pandemic, we might have been able to do these things with more commit-

                  As we celebrate the Resurrection, we are called to renew our faith in Jesus Christ, in his life,
                  in his presence in our lives, because Jesus Christ knocks without ceasing at the door of our

                  The apostles and disciples were confined with Mary in the Upper Room, and they also knew
                  confinement. Not only were they confined in the Upper Room, but they were troubled by
                  Nevertheless,  they  prayed  with  Mary.  They  prayed  with  ardor,  they  prayed  intensely  in
                  Mary’s presence, in expectation of the fulfilment of the promise of Jesus Christ. We know
                  how, after they received the gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, the apostles came out of
                  confinement and left on their mission. And the mission took them on a new adventure.


                  As we go from confinement to deconfinement, perhaps making adjustments in
                  our priorities, we can look to the apostles and disciples who remained with Mary, praying
                  together, waiting for the gift of the Holy Spirit in the Upper Room. They, too, lived confine-
                  ment, waiting for the gift of the Holy Spirit. Do we wait for the gift of the Holy Spirit? Jesus


                 Collection of texts by the Most Rev. Christian Lépine                                         176
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