Page 178 - spiritual_accompaniment_montreal_archdiocese
P. 178


                  As we slowly move from confinement to deconfinement, beyond our expectations of a new
                  normal or a return to normal, perhaps we can renew our prayer for growth through this
                  pandemic, to come out on the other side, changed for the better. A better person, a better
                  family, a better Church. Also, as a Church, recognizing and being well acquainted with all of
                  the challenges of evangelizing, this might be an opportunity to renew our faith that God is
                  truly at work. God truly is at work. He was at work yesterday, today and will be at work
                  Perhaps in our difficulties with evangelization, what is missing is faith in the work of God!
                  The faith that God is truly at work, at work in people’s hearts! We are instruments of a God
                  who is at work, and who has the power to work and touch hearts. In the end, only God has the
                  power to touch each human being, each human heart. Somehow, there is no one who is closer
                  to any one of us as God is. God is closer to us than we are to ourselves! May this pandemic be a
                  time of new awareness of the importance of God and that God comes first.

                  Let us recognize the primacy of God.


                 Collection of texts by the Most Rev. Christian Lépine                                         178
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