Page 183 - spiritual_accompaniment_montreal_archdiocese
P. 183


                  Through the action of the Word of God in them, by their faith in Jesus Christ, through prayer and
                  Adoration, supported by the sacraments. Many men and women all across the world found
                  new meaning in their lives, found a new strength to live and to love. What a very fruitful time!
                  Even with the Holy Spirit, problems continue! Of course, there will be new challenges that
                  will not be made to just disappear with a wave of a magic wand!

                  But we will see how the Word of God is fruitful and outgoing. The mission will increase and
                  peace will reign eternal.

                  Peace! This peace that all seek. Whose heart does not thirst for peace? We have that peace!
                  With Jesus Christ by our side, with is presence among us, we have this peace in plenty. We
                  have the peace that the world looks for. What are we waiting for to give to the world? What are
                  we waiting for to bring this peace into the world?

                  Often, we imagine something and find reasons to be worried. Some worries are quite real.
                  There is both hidden and explicit racism that rears its head and flares up. Indeed, there are
                  reasons to worry, and we must not overlook them. But stronger than fear is peace, real peace,
                  the peace that Christ gives.

                  At this feast of Pentecost, while still in this time of pandemic, let us ask the Holy Spirit to lead
                  us out, not only from physical confinement, but also from the confinement of our fears.

                  Let us ask that the Holy Spirit moves us into the mission entrusted to us, the mission to
                  proclaim Jesus Christ, to proclaim the peace of Jesus Christ. There is only one mission; it is
                  to follow Jesus Christ who leads us to the Father Eternal!


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