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P. 184


                                           23. Homily - Monday, June 1, 2020

                               Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church (Mc 12, 1-12)

                                      Mary, Mother of the Church! Mary our Mother!

                  Mary is the Mother of the Church! Mary is our Mother! This is not a made-up title! Jesus
                  himself used it when He was on the cross. “Woman, this is your Son. Son, this is your

                  “Woman, this is your Son.” These words were spoken to John and to a few others who
                  were with Mary at the foot of the cross, but also extend to the entire Church. The words
                  “this is your mother,” spoken by Jesus to the disciples and to us through the Gospel,
                  present the entire Church to Mary. In a way, this expanded Mary’s mission.

                  We are first introduced to Mary as a daughter of Israel who is shaped by faith. She is the
                  hope and charity of the people of Israel, the one who says “yes” to the Lord. In that sense,
                  she was faithful to her first vocation, to be a child of God and a daughter of the Father.

                  Her mission grew as she continued to be a faithful child of God. She was called to become
                  the mother of Jesus, true God and true man. Her life was a pilgrimage of faith. Then, at
                  the foot of the cross, Jesus himself expanded her mission. She was the daughter of the
                  Father, the mother of Jesus, and then, she became the mother of the Church. For this
                  reason, we as a baptised people can truly pray to Mary as our Mother. We pray the Rosary
                  often and with good reason, because we pray to Mary, our mother.

                  What does Mary, our mother do? As our mother, what does Mary do for us? Mary is the
                  one who gives us Jesus. Her first desire is to give us Jesus!

                  If, on her part, Mary is a mother who gives life, our part is to receive Jesus who is our life.
                  Mary also prays for us, she intercedes for us so that we may open our hearts to Jesus.

                  Mary is the one who best received Jesus! Saint Augustin said that before receiving Him in
                  the flesh, she received Him in her heart.

                  Among all people across history, she is the one who best received Jesus. But at the same
                  time, she is also the one who best gave Jesus to the world, by bringing Him into the world.
                  She is the one who gives Jesus to all humanity and who brings Jesus into the world as the
                  mother of Jesus. In being the mother of Jesus, and in being faithful to Jesus, she becomes
                  our mother.


                 Collection of texts by the Most Rev. Christian Lépine                                         184
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