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                                Thought for the Day # 13 – Saturday March 28, 2020

                                                “The Lord Is My Shepherd”

                         Dear Brothers and Sisters,

                         The Lord is my shepherd. The Lord is our shepherd.

                           Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,

                           I will fear no evil, for you are with me;

                           Your rod and your staff comfort me. (Ps 23)

                         The valley of the shadow of death is a situation when we are under the impres-
                         sion that no one can help us, when we are cornered against a wall, when we are
                         feeling lonely and isolated. It may seem that no one can reach us, when we are
                         all alone in our pain, alone with our distress, our frailty, our helplessness. But
                         nevertheless! Jesus has the power to reach us, no matter how fragile we are,
                         even when we are in that valley of the shadow of death. Wherever we are! Jesus
                         is with us. “I will fear no evil, for You are with me.”

                         This time that we are living through with various degrees of alarm and anxiety,
                         various degrees of pain, is a time to rediscover the presence of Jesus in our life.
                         Think of living solidarity with one another. Put Jesus who never abandons us
                         at the heart of our life and our faith. “You are with me.”

                 Collection of texts by the Most Rev. Christian Lépine                                         24
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