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                                 Thought for the Day # 18 – Thursday April 2, 2020

                                                 “Fear Not, I am with You”

                         Dear Brothers and Sisters,

                                Facing the unknown!  We are facing the unknown. We like to forecast,
                         to plan, to see what is coming, to see the future unfold. But at this moment
                         we are living, we really have no idea how things will play out. We can envision
                         what will come out of it, but we do not know how. We can see a moment which
                         is not too far away, but we do not know when it is.
                                The future is still unknown. How can we live today, with serenity and
                         peace, while the future is still so uncertain?

                                As we look towards the future, yes, there is much that we do not know
                         about the future, yes, a lot is uncertain, but there is still one thing for sure.
                         Jesus Christ, who is with us today, will also be with us tomorrow. So, the
                         question becomes, how to lean on and count on Jesus Christ?  Today, as we
                         move forward, we know that in each day, in every moment, Jesus Christ is with
                         us. Just as God sent Moses on a mission and Moses asked himself all sorts of
                         questions, God told him “Fear not, I am with you”. And so it was for all the
                         missions throughout the Bible. All those sent on a mission, went with some
                         trepidation, some anxiety, because the mission held the unknown, but they
                         still went, God told them “Fear not, I am with you.”

                         It is the same today, God is telling you “Fear not, I am with you.”

                         Jesus Christ is saying to you “Fear not, I am with you.”

                 Collection of texts by the Most Rev. Christian Lépine                                         29
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