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                                   Thought for the Day # 19 – Friday April 3, 2020

                                                     “Inner Freedom”

                         Dear Brothers and Sisters,

                         Inner freedom.

                         A few years ago, when I was pastor of a parish, a homeless person knocked at
                         the door. From then on, he would return every month to visit and we would
                         chat for a few minutes. At one point, he told me how difficult it was for him
                         to enter the institutions that welcome the homeless, such as La Maison
                         du Père or others, because I would frequently encourage him to get help from
                         these services. He would tell me that it was difficult for him because, there
                         were so many rules in these homes that he had the impression that his
                         freedom would be curtailed.

                         These days, I have been thinking about him, as we are faced with the pandemic,
                         and we find ourselves with many new rules to follow in our society. The rule of
                         physical distancing, now called social distancing, and the rules which restrict
                         travel. We could see these as a burden, and to some extent, they are. But at the
                         same time, it is also as if an interior freedom is still there, there in the attitude
                         that I choose to adopt towards these rules.
                         It is true that there is an external constraint which is the result of the disease
                         itself, of the threat of the pandemic. At the same time, what is my attitude,
                         what is the attitude that I can choose and that will help me get through all this?
                         Somehow, the attitude, the deepest motivation of the human heart, is love. I
                         must connect this to love.

                         We can follow the measures of physical distancing in order to prevent conta-
                         gion, but we can do this out of love for others, out of respect for others and
                         for ourselves. We can  adopt this attitude where we give affection to our daily
                         actions, when we  to follow  these measures themselves, take them and live
                         them, not only as a burden that is imposed upon us by the pandemic and the
                         social measures, but also as a choice.  Truly a choice of respect, a choice of ap-
                         preciation for others.

                         And of course, entrusting to God this whole ordeal that we’re going through,
                         now on the eve of Holy Week, let us entrust to Jesus Christ crucified all this
                         suffering, so that our hearts do not stop growing in the respect and love of

                 Collection of texts by the Most Rev. Christian Lépine                                         30
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