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P. 247


                                                 A r c h b i s h o p  o f  M o n t r e a l

                                                        Pastoral letter

                                                  TOGETHER, LET US PRAY

                                                                           April 8, 2020

                          Dear Sisters,
                          Dear Brothers,

                          This pandemic, which everyone would like to see end as soon as possible, throws
                   us into a state of heightened uncertainty. We are heartbroken when we think of the people
                   who have died because of COVID-19 and their grieving families. We pray to you, Lord Jesus
                   Christ: welcome into your Kingdom those who have died and comfort their loved ones.

                          The healthcare professionals who are risking their health and their lives through
                   tireless dedication to heal the sick remain constantly in our thoughts. We pray to you, Lord
                   Jesus Christ: strengthen them when they are fatigued, grant them your peace, which
                   surpasses all understanding, and protect their families from the anxiety that grips their

                          Then, there are all those who have lost their jobs and all those affected by financial
                   insecurity, overwrought with worry about tomorrow: We pray to you, Lord Jesus Christ:
                   through faith give each one assurance of your active presence in their life and the fortitude
                   to live each day with confidence.

                          Also, we remain mindful of the various levels of government, employers and the
                   whole of society that is making a concerted effort to support one another, take preventive
                   measures and promote healing. We pray to you, Lord Jesus Christ: may each one of us be
                   guided by compassion and neighbourliness in all personal and organizational decisions we


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