Page 249 - spiritual_accompaniment_montreal_archdiocese
P. 249


                                                 A r c h b i s h o p  o f  M o n t r e a l

                                                        Pastoral Letter

                                                  Every generation, together

                                                                           May 5, 2020

                               Dear Brothers and Sisters,

                               We were relieved to learn yesterday that some restrictions affecting seniors
                         living in residences, in force for several weeks, are now being eased.

                               Our thoughts instinctively turn to the seriously ill facing the end of life whose
                         loved ones can now arrange to visit them, while respecting the necessary hygiene
                         and protection protocols. We prayed a lot for those families who could not visit their
                         dying parent. We are comforted by the latest announcement allowing such access-
                         ibility at this critical time in life: the loss of a loved one.

                               Let us encourage one another to go for a daily walk outside the home, even if
                         it means taking a detour necessitated by physical distancing to preserve personal
                         and social hygiene. Let us not pass judgment on others; we know that people living
                         under the same roof can remain physically close. We are all called to do our part to
                         get through this pandemic together.

                               Let us express, once again, in word and deed the friendship and solidarity we
                         feel toward our elders who have given life to us through family, work and prayer.
                         Let us remember the men and women religious, those living a consecrated life and
                         priests who, by giving their lives to Jesus Christ, have served and continue to serve
                         the Church and the world of our time.


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