Page 254 - spiritual_accompaniment_montreal_archdiocese
P. 254


                          As we are now between Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, and as we begin to appreci-
                   ate the downtime we have experienced together for the past two months, I support those
                   efforts to establish Sunday as a common day of rest. Our longstanding tradition is one of
                   observing Sunday as a day of rest. Reasons may vary — religious, psychological, philo-
                   sophical or social — but as a society, might it not be possible to recognize the need for a
                   common day of rest? For some, it will be a day devoted to God; for others, a day for the
                   family; and for others, a day for the environment – a common day dedicated to rest because
                   we all need to pause and breathe: individuals, families, society and the planet, our common
                   home, as Pope Francis reminds us. Even the economy needs a chance to catch its breath,
                   given that its primary resource is people. We need to take time to breathe together in order
                   to remain together: the family together, which is the building block of society; society
                   together in all its complexity; and the Church together, to bear witness to Jesus Christ who
                   is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

                          Dear Brothers and Sisters, together, let us recognize the many initiatives under-
                   taken for the benefit of society, the participation of different Christian denominations,
                   different religions and different humanistic approaches. A democracy requires the
                   participation of all. Let us do our part to stand together and to overcome COVID-19. Let
                   us resolve to put the spiritual dimension of our personal, family and faith life first. Let us
                   help create a society that moves ever closer to nurturing all aspects of our quality of life by
                   establishing a common day of rest, which for Christians is the “Day of the Lord.”


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