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P. 256


                                                 A r c h b i s h o p  o f  M o n t r e a l

                                                        Pastoral letter

                                              In solidarity with ‘those who mourn’

                                                                                                                                                              May 27, 2020

                         Dear Brothers and Sisters,

                         Losing a loved one, at any time, always entails suffering and grief. During this
                   pandemic, this suffering is compounded by considerable obstacles that make a bedside visit
                   to someone who is ill difficult, someone whom we love and who is approaching the end of
                   life. Added to this are the restrictions, due to the risk of contagion, prohibiting gatherings
                   with family members, friends and acquaintances, be it in the funeral home, church or

                         It was suggested that we dedicate the month of June to pray for all those who have
                   died during the pandemic since March, whatever the cause of death, a suggestion that I
                   readily embraced. Accordingly, I invite you to join me every day to pray what I’ve called the
                   CATHEDRAL-HOME ROSARY, praying for the intentions of the men and women who have
                   died – often feeling very isolated – from an illness, an accident or any other tragedy.

                         I am deeply thankful to the many individuals and families who responded to Pope
                   Francis’ invitation to pray the Rosary during the month of May, and to all those who partici-
                   pated in our diocesan-led Rosary, having invoked Mary, Mother of the Church, to protect
                   humanity, the Church, families and individuals during this pandemic.


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