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                                  Thought for the Day #35 – Sunday, April 19, 2020

                                                      “Divine Mercy”

                         Dear Brothers and Sisters,

                         This Sunday is the celebration of Divine Mercy, the celebration of Merciful

                         This beautiful, great and magnificent celebration began in the 1930’s when
                         Jesus appeared to a religious sister. In the Dirty Thirties, the period between
                         World War I and World War II, people were living through the Great Depres-
                         sion, with all its injustice and violence. He could have delivered a message of
                         anger, but that’s not what He did. Instead, He revealed even more His heart,
                         His love and His mercy. He told us how to discover ever more deeply His
                         mercy, to give ourselves up to God’s mercy.

                         And when He showed us His heart, radiant with light pouring from it in red
                         and white, those dazzling red rays were His blood, shed for all humanity. He
                         was telling us again of His love for all of us. When we find ourselves in
                         anguishing times and in the dark night of this pandemic, Jesus is there to tell
                         us again and again of His love for us and His mercy towards us. He invites us to
                         give ourselves up to His mercy.

                         We may be paralyzed by all that is going on now, we may not know what our
                         next step is, but we can always share in His light!  The light that tells us that
                         God is with us, that we can confide in Him!  That we do not walk alone. His
                         light gives us the strength each day to take another step forward, to walk on
                         the path of His mercy and to offer our lives, our family’s lives, and the lives of
                         all humanity to His tender mercy.

                         Have a blessed celebration of Divine Mercy.

                 Collection of texts by the Most Rev. Christian Lépine                                         46
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