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P. 47


                                Thought for the Day #36 – Thursday, April 20, 2020

                                                   “We All Have a Family”

                            Dear Brothers and Sisters,

                            We all belong to a family! Whatever our family history might be, who is
                         living or deceased, we are part of the fabric and weave of the relations of the
                         family, in all its various circumstances. We stay bound to each other through
                         the family.

                            Our parents may no longer be here with us on earth, but they are still our
                         parents. In our family we may have brothers and sisters, who, even if they
                         might live in a totally different country, are still our family members.

                            A family is a living community. It may be that this time of pandemic could
                         become an occasion to stop and appreciate our family, as it is. Take the time
                         to pray for each other, even if there may be a history of misunderstandings or
                         rifts. Take the time to become aware that the family is the special setting for
                         the vocation of love.

                            In this time when we are called to stop or at least slow down, perhaps we
                         can dedicate ourselves to renew the meaning of our family and our family
                         bonds. Through prayer, we can expand our horizon to reach those who are
                         far away as well as those who live with us. Perhaps we are alone, but we can
                         still renew our bonds with those far away. It could be that someone has lost
                         all family members, is an only child who has lost parents, uncles, aunts and
                         cousins, perhaps even long ago. This is still a time to pray, to rediscover that
                         family, yet also to discover that we are part of the family of the children of God,
                         a family which can trust in God through prayer.

                 Collection of texts by the Most Rev. Christian Lépine                                         47
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