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P. 67


                                  Thought for the Day # 56 - Sunday, May 10, 2020

                                                       “Family Day”

                         Reading from the book of Exodus. (Ex 20, 8–11)
                         “Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. For six days you will labor and do all
                         your work; but the seventh day is a day of rest, the Sabbath, in honor of the Lord
                         your God. You shall do no work, neither you, nor your son, nor your daughter,
                         nor your servant, nor your maidservant, nor your beasts, nor the emigrant who is
                         in your city. For in six days the Lord made heaven, earth, and sea and all that is
                         in them, but he rested on the seventh day, therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath
                         day and made it holy.”

                         Could not this time of pandemic be an opportunity for the family, each family,
                         to rediscover how to have a day in the week where everyone can be together
                         at the same time? Sunday is not only a day of rest, but it can also be the day of
                         the family! We know that from the days the children are becoming teenagers
                         and starting to have jobs, it can become difficult on Sundays to bring everyone
                         together around the table. A mother of family once told me: “ When I want
                         everyone to be around the table on a Sunday evening, I have to invite a month
                         in advance to make sure that people will get organized and be able to be there.
                         It becomes a big event every time! It’s complicated every time.”  There was
                         suffering in the way she spoke.

                         Keeping this in mind, why not take advantage of this time for reflection which
                         is given to us, to rediscover the importance of having a day in the week when
                         the family can get together? That day is the seventh day, it is the day of rest, it
                         is also the day of the family.

                 Collection of texts by the Most Rev. Christian Lépine                                         67
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