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P. 70


                                Thought for the Day # 59 - Wednesday, May 13, 2020

                                             “Promote the Domestic Church”

                         Dear Brothers and Sisters,
                         While we are all preoccupied with the reopening of the church doors, let me
                         invite you to consider a thought with me. Something good could come from
                         these church doors being shut, - to rediscover that each family is a domestic
                         church. May each house, each dwelling, also be called to be a place of prayer —
                         a living space where there is a corner for prayer and where there is a time for
                         Perhaps we could think more about our homes in their spiritual dimension, as
                         places which provide space and time for prayer. Let’s realize that there is room
                         for the spiritual aspect of our life at home. How are we living this dimension
                         of prayer, have we an actual corner for prayer which makes the spiritual aspect
                         visible? We need visible reality. We need to be able to look and see. We need
                         visible signs of the invisible, and we need to spend some time with it.
                         One good thing that could come out of this pandemic, and this confinement,
                         is the chance to see our personal prayer and our prayer at home in a new light
                         and rediscover the family as a domestic church.
                         I entrust this to you as an intention of prayer that all together we may pray, so
                         that through this trial we may grow in our personal and family prayer, in our
                         homes as places of prayer, as domestic churches.

                 Collection of texts by the Most Rev. Christian Lépine                                         70
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