Page 188 - accompagnement_spirituel_archdiocese_de_montreal
P. 188


                  Prenons le temps de contempler Jésus Christ monté au ciel, à la droite de Dieu son Père.


                  The last words of someone who’s leaving us are always important. What are the last words of Jesus
                  Christ before the Ascension? He talks about the Mission. But what a Mission! To witness to Jesus
                  Christ throughout the world, everywhere, through time and space. And not only to talk about
                  the love of God, but also to talk about God’s commandments! All the God’s commandments! Talk
                  about everything! Everything that He’s taught us. To teach everything that he’s taught us. How can
                  you do that? By ourselves humanly it’s impossible! It’s a divine Mission! How can human beings
                  fulfill a divine Mission? That’s why that the first thing that he will say is wait for the gift of the
                  Holy Spirit! Wait for the Holy Spirit! Without the Holy Spirit, the Mission is impossible. Wait for
                  the Holy Spirit! So, praying, to be gathered in prayer, praying personally and with others to be in
                  prayer, to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, it is a priority to the Mission. No Holy Spirit, no
                  Mission is possible. We need the Holy Spirit to be in the Mission. So, the two go hand in hand.
                  Waiting for the gift of the Holy Spirit, praying with Mary for the gift of the Holy Spirit, and
                  listening to the call for the Mission. To hold the two together. But even there, it’s not an easy path!
                  That’s why he doubles it by saying «I’ll be with you ‘til the end of time!» I will be with you, not
                  once a year! No! Every day! Every day ‘til the end of time!

                  So, today in this pandemic, Jesus Christ is with us. He’s with us so that we’ll live through him. But
                  he’s with us also giving us the Holy Spirit to be in a Mission today. The Mission never stops. The
                  Mission is here, right now, in this pandemic. How to fulfill the Mission? Well, we need to pray so
                  that the Holy Spirit will guide us and the fulfillment of the Mission that God entrust us today, in
                  this situation, in this world.

                  As we are preparing for the Pentecost, we’re called to pray every day to prepare ourselves to the
                  Pentecost. Praying to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. If the Mission is important for us, we
                  believe in the Mission, we want to promote, made known the love of Jesus Christ, we want to make
                  known the Mercy of God, but we need to pray the Holy Spirit.

                  So, let us pray to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. And let us ask the Holy Spirit, to put in our
                  heart a burning desire to witness the love of God, to witness to Jesus Christ today.


                 Recueil de textes de Mgr Lépine du temps de confinement                                       188
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