Page 194 - accompagnement_spirituel_archdiocese_de_montreal
P. 194


                  be transformed by it. We are transformed by the Holy Spirit. We will be transformed by the gift of
                  the Holy Spirit. And this transformation leads us to another thirst. The thirst of loving, the thirst
                  of giving oneself totally, freely, once for all. Always giving ourselves. It’s one thing to have this thirst
                  to be loved, this thirst to receive life and love. But somehow, when we receive the gift of love in life,
                  from the Holy Spirit, we receive at the same time the thirst to love also. Not only to be love, but the
                  thirst to love. The thirst to answer to the love of God, by loving God and others.

                  And as we are on the Vigil of the Pentecost, we can pray together that receiving the gift of the Holy
                  Spirit at the Pentecost, we’ll renew our heart and give you a new impetus, a new freedom, a new
                  strength, a new peace to witness to Jesus Christ in the world. Because through the Church, through
                  the people of God, through each baptized, each missionary-disciple, Jesus Christ through all of us
                  wants to cry out to the world “Those who thirst, come to me. I will give you rivers of living water.”


                  During this pandemic, if we see it not only as something we are waiting for it to end, waiting for
                  a “normal” or a “new normal”, if we see it as something where we reflect on our own frailties, our
                  own priorities and the meaning of our lives, it is something we can really grow going through it.
                  We can become a better person, better families, a better Church, a better society, going through
                  it. When we look at the shaken, the powers of this world are like shaken by this pandemic, what
                  is left when everything is not destroy but shaken? What is left? The person with its dignity, every
                  human being of the face of the earth, the family as a cell of society and as a cell of the Church, and
                  God. Through this pandemic, the only one able to reach out and touch everyone on the earth, on
                  the face of the earth, is God. Nobody else can do that. The only one with the power to comfort, and
                  sustain, and nourish, and lighten, and pacify every human being on the earth, is God. Nobody
                  else can do that. No powers of this world can do that.

                  Nous passons petit à petit d’une période de « confinement » à une période de « déconfine-
                  ment », et nous espérons revenir rapidement à un temps « normal », ou à un « nouveau
                  normal ».

                  Renouvelons notre prière afin de sortir grandis de cette pandémie, demandons à Dieu de nous
                  aider à en sortir meilleurs : une meilleure personne, une meilleure famille, une meilleure


                 Recueil de textes de Mgr Lépine du temps de confinement                                       194
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