Page 209 - accompagnement_spirituel_archdiocese_de_montreal
P. 209


                  The Gospel today it says that God the Father sends its Son in the world, but at the same time he
                  adds it’s not about loving the world in general, it’s not only about loving humanity in general, it’s
                  about each one of us. Whoever believes in Jesus Christ, whoever, will have eternal life. So, it’s for
                  each and every one of us. Someone might think, oh God loves everyone but He doesn’t love me,
                  how can He love me? I’ve done so many bad things in my life, how can He love me? No! The love
                  of God is for everyone! Everyone! It’s not about, the problem is not that we are sinners, that there
                  is a failure of love in our lives. That’s not the problem! It is a problem, but it’s not THE problem!
                  The problem is our slowness to recognize the reality that we need the mercy of God. It’s very
                  different when you say: «Oh, I have nothing to improve in my life. Everything is perfect. I am doing
                  alright; I have no problems!» And every time you do something bad or maybe you hurt someone
                  you just don’t see it! You don’t recognize it, it’s because of others! There are problems in the world,
                  or my life, but it’s not because of me it’s because of the others! It’s because of other people! It’s not
                  my problem, it’s not because of me! The problem is our difficulty to say, to look at ourselves in the
                  mirror and to say, “It’s because of me!”. Of course, it’s also because of others! Because we are
                  all sinners!  But it’s also because of me. So, I need the mercy of God. Everyone needs the mercy of
                  God!  The whole humanity, everyone one of us! We all need the mercy of God! But I, I need the
                  mercy of God. And somehow, if we can reach that point where we can say, “God, forgive me! God,
                  I have sinned! God, forgive me!”, this opens the door to the grace of God, to the life of God, to the
                  love of God, to His mercy and to His presence, and to His power to transform our lives.

                  Jesus Christ coming into the world, sent by the Father and the Holy Spirit, has the power to trans-
                  form us in children of the Light, in children of God, in children of the Eternal Father, through Jesus
                  Christ, with Jesus Christ, in Jesus Christ.

                  So, as we contemplate the mystery of the Holy Trinity, we also contemplate somehow the mystery
                  of our own humanity. That life is bigger than what we see; that the love in life is larger than what
                  we see; because life is God and love is God.


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