Page 156 - spiritual_accompaniment_montreal_archdiocese
P. 156


                  And in this pandemic, maybe we rediscovered this. And as we are in confinement, maybe we
                  rediscovered in a new way how important our family is in our life, but also for the whole
                  of society. In society, many things are important. But family is the basic unit of society. No
                  family, no society.

                  And in the Church, maybe we rediscovered the family. There is this classic expression, the
                  family is a domestic church. Maybe in this time we think often in terms of this world that
                  we live in. We think often of individuals, and we have many laws and many things and many
                  people or institutions who take care of the individual. But somehow, the family, we don’t
                  always think about the family. And maybe one of the fruits of the pandemic, one of the good
                  things that could come out of this pandemic, is the rediscovery of the family as a domestic
                  church, for the whole Church, and as the basic unit of society.
                  In that sense, maybe the pandemic is an occasion to rediscover the sense of Sunday. The
                  sense of Sunday as a day for the Lord, and Sunday as a day for the family! A day for the family.
                  Sunday as a day for rest. Sunday as a day for the family. And maybe somehow, we don’t know
                  how, Sunday has become or is like a day like any other day. We live in a time frame where it is
                  24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Maybe we really need to reconsider Sunday. Maybe we need to
                  reconsider that it is not just an option, it is necessary to rediscover the seventh day.

                  The day of rest. And then, make out of it a day for the family. A day when everyone of the family
                  can be together. Everyone in the family is there. It cannot be only something a decision that
                  a family takes on itself, without the others, because it only works when we do it together.
                  Sunday can become a day of the family only if we do it together. Only if society cooperates,
                  Sunday becomes a day for the family. We are between this Sunday, this day of the family, and
                  the Father’s Day that we will have in June, maybe between the two, we can consider Sunday as
                  a day for the family. As a day when we think of what we believe, as a day for the Lord, as a day of
                  the Lord. And even as we live in this world, this earth, we take it as a day for the earth, because
                  the earth also needs to catch a breath. Happy Mother’s Day!


                 Collection of texts by the Most Rev. Christian Lépine                                         156
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