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P. 158


                  In a similar way, in order to promote respect for life, we organize several activities. For
                  example, with this March for Life, forums for reflection, workshops, or conferences, we take
                  the opportunity to promote and defend the dignity of the life of each person. At the same
                  time, we entrust all these activities to God to whom we desire to give what is his due.

                  The first defender of life is God. When Jesus Christ gave his life on the Cross, what did he want
                  to affirm? He affirmed the dignity of the life of every human being. On the cross, Jesus Christ
                  gave his life for every human being, in all places and at all times. In this way, he affirmed not
                  only his love for every human being, but he affirmed equally the divine love for them and the
                  mercy of God for each person. Furthermore, Jesus affirmed that the dignity of every human
                  being is fundamental, as they are created in the image of God and are called to eternal life.

                  In this March for Life, we want to pray for and express our gratitude to all those who conse-
                  crated themselves to the defense of the dignity of the life of each person, of the Dignity of
                  Life. We also pray that God be at work in the service of life and that God may touch hearts!

                  In the end, the proclamation of the Good News about life, the Gospel of Life, the proclama-
                  tion of the Good News of the dignity of every human being, every human being no matter its
                  weakness is the work of evangelization. It is inseparable from the work of evangelization. It
                  is a work of evangelization in which we can proclaim who is the Lord of Life, while at the same
                  time we also proclaim where we proclaim the dignity of life, the dignity of every life. Evangel-
                  izing in this way is a profoundly spiritual work.

                  By our prayer, by entrusting to God our intentions concerning life and this respect for life,
                  we unite our works with the work of Jesus Christ, who is at work in our hearts. For this
                  promotion of the dignity of life to be possible, it requires not only men and women of all ages
                  to speak or testify in the service of life, but it also needs God who acts in the heart of each
                  human being.

                  The work of evangelization is the work of God who keeps in us the spirit of conversion thanks
                  to someone who proclaims for us the name of Jesus. But before all else, it is the Holy Spirit at
                  work in our heart that makes us hold on to the name of Jesus.

                  Each time we gather in the name of Jesus, each time we desire to follow in his footsteps after
                  hearing his name, it is the Holy Spirit at work in us. If it were only about the proclamation of
                  the Word, then this Word would suffice. But at the same time, God wants to act in us so that
                  he works through us in the proclamation of this Word.


                 Collection of texts by the Most Rev. Christian Lépine                                         158
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