Page 163 - spiritual_accompaniment_montreal_archdiocese
P. 163


                  After Lent, we begun the Easter season, somewhat as it was for the disciples during the time
                  after Christ’s death and Passion on the Cross. It was a joyful time when Jesus appeared to
                  them to prepare them for Pentecost.

                  In a similar way, we are also on the way to Pentecost. Somewhat surprisingly, we could say
                  that the Apostles also experienced confinement! Because after the Ascension, which we will
                  celebrate next week, the Apostles, moreover, were in confinement. They were in confine-
                  ment in the Upper Room.

                  And Mary was with them. They prayed with Mary while waiting for the Holy Spirit, for the
                  gift of the Holy Spirit to begin a new phase of the mission, to which the whole Church is sent.
                  (18.55) In this vein, perhaps, we could see how our prayer helps us evolve, transforms us.

                  Perhaps we could so prepare for this Pentecost that, coincidentally, almost everywhere in the
                  world, coincides with the beginning or initial implementation of deconfinement.

                  Perhaps as followers, as missionary disciples, we could learn again, relearn to be deconfined!
                  To come out of ourselves! Come out of our churches! To come out of the Church, to be in the
                  world to proclaim the name of Jesus Christ, proclaim the salvation of Jesus Christ, proclaim
                  the good that Jesus Christ does in our souls, our personal lives and our families when we open
                  our hearts to Him.

                  I ask that on the eve of Pentecost you make a Novena to the Holy Spirit, to ask the Holy
                  Spirit, the gift of the Father and of the Son, to come into us, so that He comes to us to renew
                  His breath, our missionary spirit, our missionary zeal. To renew our fervour to make known
                  the name of God, the name of Jesus Christ in the world, under the influence of the Holy Spirit,
                  guided by the Holy Spirit.
                  Next Friday will be nine days before the feast of Pentecost. I therefore invite you during its
                  preparation to make a Novena before Pentecost. An easy way is to pray the Rosary every day
                  in May. Pope Francis himself, on the occasion of this pandemic, invites us to pray the Rosary
                  each day in May to invoke the protection of Mary, Mother of the Church.

                  More specifically, we could make a Novena to the Holy Spirit to help make us witnesses to
                  Jesus Christ in our family, our society, in the world in which we live. If you need assistance,
                  there are resources for praying the Rosary in your parish and in your diocese. Seek and dis-
                  cover these tools daily throughout May for yourself but also for the cause of evangelization.


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