Page 160 - spiritual_accompaniment_montreal_archdiocese
P. 160


                  May this day strengthen in us the desire to work without ceasing for the promotion of
                  solidarity, in support of frontline workers in the pandemic who are putting their lives at
                  risk. Let us be in equal solidarity with all families that are affected by the pandemic because
                  one of the is sick or has died because of COVID-19.

                  Let us also remember that we can make this time of suffering remind us of the message of
                  the March for Life and proclaim the primacy of life and the dignity of every human being,
                  while at the same time being attentive to the needs of all humanity.

                  Let us take the time to fast today, as the church recommends, as fasting is like praying with
                  your whole body. Fasting is like saying: “Lord, we could have it all, but if we do not have
                  you, if we cannot feel your presence, then nothing matters. If we cannot contemplate your
                  works, we miss what is essential, we miss your love and your presence.”

                  On this day of fasting, let us pray with our body. Let us entrust the cause of respect for life
                  into the hands of God.
                  In spite of our limited means during the online March for Life, let us take the time for acts
                  of charity of outreach to those who may be isolated at this time.

                  At the same time, let us equally take the time to entrust all of humanity and our society to
                  the love of God, to his presence, to the love of Jesus Christ who gave his life on the Cross
                  for each and every one of us.


                  One of the aspects that we are more and more conscience of is one we’ve already known.
                  But it became more obvious, more and more obvious. It is that there’s a link between the
                  value of life and the value of spiritual life. Without spiritual life it becomes very difficult to
                  be open to the value of life.

                  And as we are rediscovering through this pandemic, the value of spiritual life is like at the
                  bottom of the scale! And maybe we can pray that all of humanity, our societies, our countries,
                  our families, that we rediscover the value of spiritual life, the importance of spiritual life,
                  and I (would like) to say the primacy of spiritual life because we exist body and soul.


                 Collection of texts by the Most Rev. Christian Lépine                                         160
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