Page 214 - spiritual_accompaniment_montreal_archdiocese
P. 214


                  relationship with others. Human beings exist as individuals in their own right. Yet, at the
                  same time, they exist as individuals open to the other. They exist to encounter the other, to
                  encounter God, to encounter one another.

                  All that we have learned over the past three-and-a-half months about communicating —
                  online, by telephone, by radio or television, or by other means ¬– is important. But we know
                  that it does not replace direct contact with others.

                  This period of hardship continues. However, we are not facing this alone. I like to think that
                  all those who are sick in hospitals or elsewhere, in residences, those at the end of their life, all
                  those whom no one was permitted to visit, I like to think, and I believe with all my heart, that
                  God visited them.

                  A week ago, when it was again possible to visit the sick, I went to see someone in the
                  hospital. In the same room, there was a woman who had been there for three months. For
                  three months, she had been there. For three months, no one could visit her! What struck me,
                  what I found extraordinary is that she had been alone and sick in her hospital bed, receiving
                  good nursing care but without physical contact with her family, yet in her eyes was the most
                  astonishing expression of serenity. They expressed inner peace, serenity that I found incred-
                  ible! As a man of faith, I was certain that I saw in her eyes the fruit of God’s grace. Isolated
                  from her family, even cut off from her family, but God was with her. And God has been with us
                  since the beginning of this pandemic as He was before and will continue to be.

                  Let us continue to rely on Him and believe that we will continue to grow from this experience.
                  This pandemic is an opportunity for personal growth. We can emerge from it having grown
                  in grasping the meaning of our life; we can emerge having grown in our own family relation-
                  ships; we can emerge, quite simply, having grown in our ability to recognize our weaknesses.
                  Too much of life is about running away from and not even recognizing our weaknesses! But
                  if we were able to grow in recognizing our weaknesses, we truly grew because someone was
                  ready to welcome us in our weaknesses. This is the Lord! Now, having recognized our weak-
                  ness and fragility, our love grows in humility. Perhaps we have become more humble through
                  this pandemic. When we become more humble, we love more truthfully. In humility, we love
                  others for being the other, rather than what we want them to be for us.


                 Collection of texts by the Most Rev. Christian Lépine                                         214
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