Page 215 - spiritual_accompaniment_montreal_archdiocese
P. 215


                  So, let us keep moving forward as the marathon continues. It is like a marathon. In a mara-
                  thon – although I’m not a marathon runner, I have seen them in action – the runners find ways
                  to maintain their strength along the entire way. They adopt a steady, sustainable rhythm. If
                  they were to begin at full speed, they could not make it to the end! So, they pace themselves.
                  Let us also find our rhythm, our pace, to furnish what we need to strengthen us, both human
                  support and spiritual support. Find your rhythm. Move forward. Stay committed to the
                  mission, the mission to love.

                  We are going to come out of it. When it is over, it will have been an opportunity to renew our
                  willingness to love, to give generously, to give freely. It will have been an opportunity to
                  renew our acceptance of God’s grace, because experiencing our limitations and weaknesses
                  day after day, week after week, month after month will have been an opportunity to learn how
                  to rely more fully on the grace of God. Let us pray for each other. Let us pray for the whole
                  Church. Let us pray for all of humanity, because the Church does not exist for herself but so
                  that the beauty and breadth of humanity knows the love of God.


                 Collection of texts by the Most Rev. Christian Lépine                                         215
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