Page 220 - spiritual_accompaniment_montreal_archdiocese
P. 220


                  We are invited to imitate the little ones to experience the joy of having received everything.
                  The joy of having received all from God, our parents, from other, people we met at some point
                  in our life. Perhaps a professor enriched our life with a word he said in a moment when we
                  were searching or suffering. This, too, we have all received.

                  Growing in the understanding that we have all received is not something that makes us sad
                  or depresses us, thinking that because we have received everything, we are unable to do any-
                  thing by ourselves. In the contrary, we rejoice because we have all received!

                  Having all received, what does this mean? It means that I received life from another. It means
                  that someone loves me. Furthermore, if I have all received, it means that someone thinks that
                  I exist. The one who gives everything, the one who gives us the gifts that we need, he who
                  gives himself, what does he want to say? He says to us again: “It is good that you exist.”

                  Exploring the depth of humility, we discover not only that we have received all, but we
                  discover the goodness of our existence. We discover that it is good that we exist because we
                  exist created by God, seen by God, loved by God. We exist and are made to exist under the
                  protection and love of our parents, under their loving glances,

                  Yes, we can say it again, we have received everything.

                  In receiving these gifts, in receiving life, in receiving our talents, we also receive the strength
                  to live. In receiving love, we received the strength to love. In the end, we are all called to love,
                  but we cannot love if we have not been loved. We cannot love if we have not personally made
                  the experience of being loved. When we have not made the experience of being loved, we are
                  not capable of loving. Even if we desire to love, we cannot get there.

                  But when we have made the experience of being loved, we also made the experience that we
                  cannot love by counting on our own strength alone. Once again, we can turn to Jesus and say
                  again: “Lord, I received all, Lord give me the strength to live, give me the strength to love.”
                  Let our love become what we have received! In receiving existence, we also received love. We
                  received love. We received love and feel loved, we receive love to love.

                  Humility is a fundamental quality of existence, both in our relationship God and in our
                  relationships with each other. With an attitude of having received everything, we learn to be
                  humble and appreciate the gift of others. We can learn to see their capacity for truth, beauty
                  and goodness that is present in their soul, in their heart, and in their flesh.


                 Collection of texts by the Most Rev. Christian Lépine                                         220
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