Page 218 - spiritual_accompaniment_montreal_archdiocese
P. 218


                  In the same way, Jesus has come to serve us. He came to wash us, to help us, to purify us, to
                  save us. He has come to serve us. In this spirit, Jesus expresses his humility towards the
                  Eternal Father: “I receive everything from the Father.” But he is also humble towards us,
                  towards all humanity, towards each and every one of us. To every one of us, he presents him-
                  self as our servant. “I came to serve and to give my life for you.” What sign of humility, what
                  extraordinary humility!

                  This humility challenges us. He who calls us to himself, he who is gentle and humble in heart,
                  he calls us to be likewise and be humility incarnate, just as he. To be a disciple of Jesus is to
                  be humble. To believe in Christ is to learn to be humble. And this humility increases our

                  What does it mean for us to be humble like Jesus?

                  First of all, we need to return to the word from St. Paul: “What do you have that you did not
                  Do I see that in my life I have received everything? Do I know that I have received my existence
                  from God by way of my parents? I received an education, thanks to my parents, my teachers,
                  the people in whose midst I grew up, but also people I met somewhere and sometime in life,
                  or those who by the Grace of God became his witnesses to me. I received it all!

                  Even if I had the possibility to develop my talents, skills, and habits in the workplace, I must
                  acknowledge that even there, I received it all! I received these talents, these beautiful skills,
                  these gifts that I am trying to increase by my efforts. I have really received it all.

                  But I might have the temptation to say that because I succeeded in increasing my talents or
                  professional strength, it is on account of my merits, because of my efforts.

                  What presumption! If I had not had people who love me, if I had hot had people who took care
                  of me, if I had not had people who prepared the food on my table, I would never have had the
                  strength to work, I would never have had the strength to develop. Definitely, I received it all.
                  Even my strength to work. I received it all. “What do you have that you did not receive?”

                  The more we develop within ourselves the sense that we have received everything, the more
                  we walk the path of humility. It is like a call, the call to follow Jesus, to be his disciple, to follow
                  the one who is meek and humble of heart, profoundly humble.


                 Collection of texts by the Most Rev. Christian Lépine                                         218
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