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P. 84


                                  Thought for the Day #70- Sunday, May 24, 2020

                                             “Sunday: A Common Day of Rest”

                            Dear Brothers and Sisters,

                            This Sunday is the last message of the daily series of “Care of the Soul”
                         Thoughts for the Day. They will continue on Tuesdays and Fridays. We looked
                         at: The Dignity of the Person; The Pure Value of the Family; and God.

                            During the pandemic we talked about the dignity of the person, the value
                         of the family the importance of God and the importance of prayer. This
                         Sunday message fittingly addresses what this day brings to us.  When we take
                         Sunday as a day of rest, it gives us the means, it gives us a tool. It gives us time
                         to replenish ourselves from one week to another. Sunday then gives us time to
                         renew our thoughts on the value of every human being, the dignity, the pure
                         value of the family, because the family takes the time to rest together. Sunday,
                         then, speaks to us of the importance of God so we don’t forget God. We easily
                         forget God, we know. By making Sunday a day of rest for God, the Lord’s Day,
                         we are able to remember that we come from God and that we are on our way
                         to God. We then remember that God is always with us in our lives, every day of
                         our lives, and so Sunday becomes the peak and pinnacle of the week, the time
                         when we rest, but at the same time the beginning of a week, the time when we
                         replenish our strength to head into another week.

                            May this new awareness of Sunday, which we have been living, continue
                         through this gradual re-opening until the new normal, until “normal” arrives.
                         May we be able to follow through with what we have learned.  May Sunday
                         become a strength and a resource in our personal lives, in our family lives, in
                         our social lives because the whole of society needs to take time to just take a
                         breath and just breathe! At a certain time not only are people, individuals or
                         families resting, but society is also taking a day off and Sunday then becomes a
                         time when society takes a moment to catch its breath.


                 Collection of texts by the Most Rev. Christian Lépine                                         84
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