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P. 87


                                 Thought for the Day # 72 - Saturday, May 30, 2020

                                                “The Gift of the Fear of God”

                            Dear Brothers and Sisters,

                            During these difficult times do you have worries and perhaps even fears?
                         Fear of illness, fear of the COVID, fear of losing a job, fear of loneliness, fear
                         of increasing family misunderstandings as we live closer together, making it
                         challenging to renew the harmony in our way of life? Do fears haunt you?

                            There is a way to overcome fear, whatever it may be.  Turn to God. And on
                         this eve of Pentecost, to ask for the gift of the fear of God. Fear of God doesn’t
                         mean to be afraid of God. Fear of God is to be in awe, deeply impressed, before
                         the greatness of God. The depth of his love, the magnificence of his power,
                         the wonder of His being. Impressed with this, what should we do?  We turn to
                         Him, abandon ourselves to Him, put all our trust in Him, pray to Him and call
                         upon Him.

                            So if we take the time to pray and ask the Holy Spirit for the gift of the fear
                         of God on this eve of Pentecost, it will help us entrust our whole life to God,
                         rely on Him, and to cast out the fears.
                            The fear of God casts away the worries of our lives! A sure and simple
                         way to start this petition for the gift of The Fear of God and to take refuge in
                         God’s grace and experience the greatness of God is in adoration. Adoration is
                         to recollect ourselves and meditate, to revere God who is infinitely great and
                         all-powerful, infinitely loving.

                            There could be in our lives, everyday, a time for Adoration where we put
                         ourselves before God, taking refuge in His infinite love, and remaining in
                         unceasing awe of His magnificence.

                 Collection of texts by the Most Rev. Christian Lépine                                         87
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