Page 100 - spiritual_accompaniment_montreal_archdiocese
P. 100


                            I would like to conclude by reminding us that there is always rest in the
                         Lord. We can pray and ask the Lord for things. We can listen to the Lord and be
                         attentive to His will. We can also rest in the Lord. In your daily prayer, in the
                         rhythm of your week, continue to bring your weariness and fatigue and place
                         them before the Lord. Offer your discouragement to the Lord.

                            We will see each other at the end of August. I thank you for journeying with
                         me through these Thoughts for the Day. I have myself learned a lot through
                         making these Thoughts for the Day! Today is the 81st, I believe! I want to leave
                         you in peace for a few weeks, so we will see each other again at the end of the
                         month of August. Yet we are still together, accompanying each other.  Never
                         forget that the Lord is with us, that He is at work in our hearts. He is also at
                         work through us. The Lord wants to guide us through this ordeal to come out
                         of it even stronger.

                            God Bless You,

                            In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


                 Collection of texts by the Most Rev. Christian Lépine                                         100
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