Page 103 - spiritual_accompaniment_montreal_archdiocese
P. 103


                  Something unprecedented has come into our lives. ........................................................................186

                  “As I live because of the Father, you will live because of me.” ..........................................................191
                  What is the origin of the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus? ...........................................................194

                  What do you ask of Mary when you pray to her? ...............................................................................196
                  The Loneliness of Body, Heart and Mind .......................................................................................... 197
                  Have you been able to recognize Jesus’ presence in your life? ........................................................205

                  Is God first in your life? How? .............................................................................................................210
                  “I am gentle and humble in heart?” .................................................................................................... 216
                  How is it possible that God still wants to reach out to me? .............................................................224

                  Collection of texts by the Most Rev. Christian Lépine                                        103
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